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Lesson Fee

  • Hourly lesson fees and examples of monthly fees for elementary, junior high, and high school students are as follows

  • The basic monthly course is 4 lessons per month (1 lesson per week) or 8 lessons per month (2 lessons per week). If you would like to take lessons at a different frequency, please consult me

  • The basic lesson time is 60 or 90 minutes for the 1st~3rd graders, and 90 or 120 minutes for the 4~12th graders. Please consult me for other lesson times.

  • ​I offer lessons to students who are not attending school at the same price

  • ​Online lessons will be offered at the same fee as face-to-face lessons

  • There are no fees to start or quit taking my lessons

Japanese Course

This course is for students who are receiving school education based on the Japanese curriculum guidelines

Academic Test

Elementary school students

5000 yen/hour


Monthly fee example

60 min, once a week:

5000 yen x 1 hour x 4 times = 20,000 yen


90 minutes, once a week:

5000 yen x 1.5 hours x 4 times = 30,000 yen


60 minutes, twice a week:

5000 yen x 1 hour x 8 times = 40,000 yen


90 minutes, twice a week:

5000 yen x 1.5 hours x 8 times = 60,000 yen

*Transportation fees will be charged separately.


Middle school students

5500 yen/hour

Monthly fee example

90 minutes, once a week:

5500 yen x 1.5 hours x 4 times = 33,000 yen


120 minutes, once a week:

5500 yen x 2 hours x 4 times = 44,000 yen


90 minutes, twice a week:

5500 yen x 1.5 hours x 8 times = 66,000 yen


120 minutes, twice a week:

5500 yen x 2 hours x 8 times = 88,000 yen

*Transportation fees will be charged separately.


High school student

6000 yen/hour

Monthly fee example

90 minutes, once a week:

6000 yen x 1.5 hours x 4 times = 36,000 yen


120 minutes, once a week:

6000 yen x 2 hours x 4 times = 48,000 yen


90 minutes, twice a week:

6000 yen x 1.5 hours x 8 times = 72,000 yen


120 minutes, twice a week:

6000 yen x 2 hours x 8 times = 96,000 yen

*Transportation fees will be charged separately.

International Course

This course is for students attending international schools. Lessons are given in English or Japanese.

Learning is fun

Elementary school students
(1~6th grade)

6000 yen/hour


Monthly fee example

60 minutes, once a week:

6000 yen x 1 hour x 4 times = 24,000 yen

90 minutes, once a week:

6000 yen x 1.5 hours x 4 times = 36,000 yen

60 minutes, twice a week:

6000 yen x 1 hour x 8 times = 48,000 yen

90 minutes, twice a week:

6000 yen x 1.5 hours x 8 times = 72,000 yen

*Transportation fees will be charged separately.

Girls in School Uniform_edited_edited.jpg

Middle school students
(7~9th grade)

6500 yen/hour

Monthly fee example

90 minutes, once a week:

6500 yen x 1.5 hours x 4 times = 39,000 yen

120 minutes, once a week:

6500 yen x 2 hours x 4 times = 52,000 yen

90 minutes, twice a week:

6500 yen x 1.5 hours x 8 times = 78,000 yen

120 minutes, twice a week:

6500 yen x 2 hours x 8 times = 104,000 yen

*Transportation expenses will be charged separately.

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High school students
(10~12th grade)

7000 yen/hour

Monthly fee example

90 minutes, once a week:

7000 yen x 1.5 hours x 4 times = 42,000 yen

120 minutes, once a week:

7000 yen x 2 hours x 4 times = 56,000 yen

90 minutes, twice a week:

7000 yen x 1.5 hours x 8 times = 84,000 yen

120 minutes, twice a week:

7000 yen x 2 hours x 8 times = 112,000 yen

*Transportation fees will be charged separately .


Please pay the monthly fees by the 7th of each month either by bank transfer or in cash on the day of the lesson. (Bank transfer fees are covered by the guardian)

Lesson Dates

  • Generally, lessons are not given on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays

  • Lessons are not given during the New Year holidays (December 29th to January 3rd), Obon (August 13th to 16th), and the Golden Week

  • Lessons are generally not given in the 5th week of the month, but make-up lessons for holidays or day of the absence can be given

  • The once-a-week course provides 44 lessons per year, and the twice-a-week course provides 88 lessons per year. However, if the number of lessons cannot be reached due to multiple holidays, and the lessons cannot be rescheduled, I will refund the lesson fees

Make-up lessons

  • I will reschedule lessons only if you notify me of your absence in advance

  • You may reserve a make-up lesson within two months from the date you were absent

  • Please check the lesson schedule calendar on the "Book your lesson" page and I will reschedule your lesson to fit your desired available time slot

  • If the lesson is cancelled due to circumstances of Ito, I will reschedule or refund the lesson fee

  • ​I do not accept any make-up for another make-up lesson. Thank you for your understanding

Transportation fee

I usually commute by motorcycle, and I receive a separate transportation fee of 10 yen/km from Momoyamadai, Suita City. If it takes more than an hour on the local roads, I will use the expressway, so please cover the toll fee. (In the event of rain, if I have to commute by train, I will request for train fare instead.)

Please transfer the transportation fee together with the lesson fee by the 7th of the month. If unusual travel expenses are incurred, such as train fare, I will ask you to pay the difference in cash each time.

Sibling discount

In the case of teaching siblings, I will offer a 500 yen/hour discount on the lesson fee for the second and subsequent students. Please note that I do not provide one-on-two lessons for students of different grades as this would reduce the efficiency of the lesson. Thank you for your understanding.

Cancellation policy

  • Unless there are unavoidable circumstances (illness, injury, family tragedy, disaster, etc.), if you need to cancel a lesson, please contact me at least 3 days in advance

  • If you are absent for a long vacation of 3 weeks or more, it will be treated as a "leave of absence". The lesson fee for the absent month will be charged only for the number of lessons you have taken. Please contact me at least one month in advance if you are taking a leave of absence

  • There are no registration fees during the leave of absence

  • ​In general, I do not refund the lesson fee once it has been paid. If you miss a lesson, please make a reservation for a make-up lesson

  • If you wish to quit taking my lessons, please contact me at least one month before

  • When you quit taking lessons in the middle of the month, I cannot refund any monthly fees that have been paid

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